For the first time since 2012, Brookville Equipment Corporation is getting a new website! This is an exciting time for the company, as the new website will have a better scope of what our manufacturing capabilities are at BROOKVILLE. Since we are a custom solutions manufacturer, it is necessary to show both potential and current customers what we can accomplish. The brand new, modern, sleek design brings value to areas where the 2012 rendition was lacking. A lot can change in 10 years, especially in terms of advancement of technology.
Some of the new features of the website will include: pop up photos with the ability to call out different features of a specific vehicle, case studies to give a prospective client the opportunity to see past builds in their intended setting, Parts & Services page, job opportunities built into the website, “Contact Us” forms, and a supplier center page.
As this project has been thoroughly planned and executed, we are very excited to officially announce the launch of this brand new, redesigned site. We believe this new site will be able to let customers and the community know what BROOKVILLE really has to offer.